Monday, June 12, 2006

My Highschool Buddy!

I've been meeting up a lot of old friends lately. Most of them, I have communictaed through email or ym only. And it feel sgreat to get in touch with them. But the funner part is felt more when I get to meet my old friends again. Daynie, one of my closest highschool friends came home all the way from Florida and stayed for a few weeks in Manila. I was glad I was able to spend time with her (she was leaving the next day!!) and have made a lot of catching up after 8 years of not seeing each other. We wished time was longer but-- oh well, nothing stops time. We just made the most of that night by talking about her life in the US, love, friendship and our dreams. Remember you apologized because you're not going through "it" right? That's ok, I told you:) I'd be happy whatever you decide on:) If joining the Peace Corp will make you fulfilled and happy, go for it, ok?
Hope to see you soon!

catching up

I miss this girl! I'm so glad we were able to meet again and able to talk on things we've missed out. Anna, I'm so happy for you:) I know you went through a rough time before and you deserve all the good things happening right now! You and Raffy are a blessing to each other, and I'm wishing you guys all the best...haha! future wishes? *wink* *wink*
I'm also thankful that we have exchanged ideas about our spirituality--Raffy's thoughts and occupation was very inspiring. (He was such a comic too!) I have realized that--even in smallest ways, I could do my share too.
Kulang ang oras talaga...Pao and I hope we could hang out with you guys soon:)Let's have a heavy Chinese dinner again! But this time with dessert :D

My best bud Anna with comic boyf Raffy
our smiles meant dinner was yum!